Recorded at
12977 Brendan W SQ C-Race China china5 1407 58 86.1 07.09.2017 12971 Yegor Orlow TS Nala lodi 46 1399 56 88.4 07.09.2017 12970 Yegor Orlow TS Nala lodi 1436 60 85.4 07.09.2017 12968 Yegor Orlow TS Nala lodi 1353 47 101.7 07.09.2017 12967 Yegor Orlow TS Nala lodi 1 1428 43 118.9 06.09.2017 12966 Yegor Orlow TS Nala lodi 29 1437 59 86.4 07.09.2017 12964 Dallon Hay SQ Sausage Monte Brento (ITA) Jump six from Brento, bit of a wind coming out of the North that meant I had a slight left turn the whole jump to stay straight 1431 137 37.5 07.09.2017 12963 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ ATC Monte Brento (ITA) 1° jo 07-09-17 1631 48 120.9 07.09.2017 12948 Ale Pilot FREAK 29 0817 2 Monte Brento (ITA) Coach with Maury and Cris 290817 2° Jump 1650 48 122.3 29.08.2017 12947 Ale Pilot FREAK 29 0817 1 Monte Brento (ITA) 29 aug 17 Maury Cris coaching 1650 54 108.5 29.08.2017 12946 budy SQ Aura sans bet 1891 60 111.8 05.09.2017 12945 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ ATC Monte Brento (ITA) 2° jo 06 09 17 1612 46 123.8 06.09.2017 12944 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ ATC Monte Brento (ITA) 06-09-17 jo 1° 1642 52 112.1 06.09.2017 12943 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ ATC Monte Brento (ITA) 3° jo 50-09-17 1636 43 135.4 05.09.2017 12942 Dallon Hay SQ Sausage Monte Brento (ITA) Second base jump in the suit. Looks like the flysight didn't turn on until partway through the jump. 1127 152 26.5 05.09.2017 12941 Dallon Hay SQ Sausage Monte Brento (ITA) First ever base jump in the sausage 1394 103 48.5 05.09.2017 12938 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ ATC Monte Brento (ITA) 2° jo 04-09-017 1627 45 129.3 04.09.2017 12937 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ ATC Monte Brento (ITA) JO 04-09-17 1644 50 116.5 04.09.2017 12936 Riku Virtanen TS Masai Gridset (NOR) strong sidewind 721 90 28.6 04.09.2017 12931 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ ATC Monte Brento (ITA) Joseph coaching 04 09 17 1644 50 116.5 04.09.2017 12930 Anatoly Uzun TS Nala Monte Brento (ITA) 1698 94 64.4 04.09.2017 12895 Antoine Laporte RB XXX Prototype Bourne / Molaire (FRA) Test of my homemade GPS tracker 940 123 27.3 01.09.2017 12889 Larisa Sverdlenko TS Jedei 3 Happy Birthday (ITA) 1144 58 70.4 31.08.2017 12888 Larisa Sverdlenko TS Jedei 3 Civetta (ITA) 3341 73 162.6 30.08.2017 12887 Larisa Sverdlenko TS Jedei 3 Castello Nevere (ITA) 1493 42 127.4 29.08.2017
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