
DZ Jämi

Lat: 61.77660621, Lon: 22.7153331, MSL: 154.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
6940 34.0 104.43
6122 32.5 107.04
5373 32.4 105.79
4681 28.2 103.95
4038 25.3 107.14
3438 23.5 107.9
2875 20.3 106.76
2347 17.3 111.93
1849 15.7 116.04
1376 14.5 113.35
925 14.8 110.47
707 14.6 114.9
493 13.1 124.59
285 9.4 151.71
83 2.9 169.86
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