
DZ Jämi

Lat: 61.77660621, Lon: 22.7153331, MSL: 154.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
6930 35.7 101.55
6112 34.8 104.21
5363 33.3 103.84
4672 29.1 101.67
4030 26.3 104.46
3431 22.9 106.02
2870 18.3 111.83
2344 18.0 124.45
1846 17.5 122.84
1372 15.2 111.25
921 14.5 110.61
702 14.8 113.49
490 12.1 127.53
282 8.4 147.04
79 3.4 155.63
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