
DZ Jämi

Lat: 61.77660621, Lon: 22.7153331, MSL: 154.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
6691 33.5 77.52
5910 30.0 76.86
5197 25.2 79.33
4548 18.9 78.71
3946 15.4 69.56
3382 12.3 74.97
2849 11.9 81.34
2343 11.5 82.47
1861 10.7 83.59
1402 10.9 80.33
963 11.3 81.62
751 12.0 84.05
543 11.7 86.48
340 9.3 93.27
143 2.4 125.31
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