

Lat: 44.69952398, Lon: 10.66891551, MSL: 46.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7156 15.0 67.18
6325 14.9 54.01
5561 14.2 49.15
4855 13.8 60.7
4202 13.0 56.15
3593 12.0 71.95
3023 10.4 95.94
2489 4.6 85.23
1985 5.9 347.62
1510 11.5 332.07
1059 16.0 335.65
841 15.6 339.82
628 14.6 343.58
419 13.1 350.69
214 11.2 354.84
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