

Lat: 44.69952398, Lon: 10.66891551, MSL: 46.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7148 20.3 54.32
6314 20.8 42.44
5552 14.4 55.11
4849 14.0 63.05
4198 13.8 66.69
3589 12.6 94.76
3021 8.2 99.94
2487 4.2 84.22
1983 6.2 346.58
1507 10.5 329.91
1054 17.4 335.16
835 17.5 343.8
622 16.1 347.49
412 14.6 350.04
206 12.4 352.65
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