
DZ Mochische

Lat: 55.1707791, Lon: 83.14249012, MSL: 218.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7152 13.6 198.94
6324 13.0 192.63
5564 10.8 193.08
4861 7.1 186.77
4208 12.6 212.79
3598 14.3 212.44
3026 15.3 215.41
2486 15.5 215.92
1975 14.9 213.41
1491 14.2 212.64
1033 13.9 214.34
813 14.0 217.3
600 14.3 224.69
394 13.7 240.28
195 5.8 255.36
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