
DZ Mochische

Lat: 55.1707791, Lon: 83.14249012, MSL: 218.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7239 26.6 185.39
6401 24.1 194.06
5632 24.4 188.24
4920 21.6 181.13
4257 21.7 176.31
3638 25.2 171.11
3056 29.2 176.48
2510 25.9 186.69
1991 20.9 189.22
1496 18.5 195.15
1026 19.9 202.97
801 20.5 208.12
585 19.8 219.07
375 15.4 235.45
171 7.9 235.44
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